The lagoon of Tunis is located in the northeast of Tuni-
sia. Cutting across the lagoon and connecting the Medi-
terranean with the old port of Tunis, the Canal of Tunis
(NC) divides the lagoon into two basins, commonly
known as the southern and the northern lagoon of Tunis.
In the last decades, Tunis southern lagoon was polluted
by local anthropic activities (domestic and industrial dis-
charge), which induced dystrophic crises together with
destruction of benthic communities (Ben Souissi 2002).
In order to resolve the pollution problem and to improve
the water quality of the Tunis southern lagoon for ecolog-
ical and economical purposes, an environmental restora-
tion project was conducted from April 1998 to July 2001.
The overall aim of the project was to achieve a good eco-
logical status in the lagoon and to realize substantial land
reclamation all around.
The Tunis southern lagoon, azoic during the restora-
tion, was progressively invaded by several species, there-
fore, new activities have been developed such as the col-
lection of mussel on artificial rocky banks of the lagoon
and fishery of cephalopod species such as common cuttle-
fish Sepia officinalis Linnaeus, 1758 and musky octopus
Eledone moschata (Lamarck, 1758) (Ounifi Ben Amor et
al. 2019a).
Several Indo-Pacific immigrants were established in
the area since autumn 2001 (Ben Souissi et al. 2005).
For crustaceans, thirteen alien species were recorded in
the area, among them 5 isopods, of which two spheroma;
Sphaeroma walkeri and Sphaeroma venustissimum are
totally established (Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2015, 2018).
The alien isopod Paracerceis sculpta (Holmes, 1904)
was firstly recorded in the Tunis lagoon, in the northern
part (TNL) (Rezig 1978) and in its southern part (TSL)
(Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2006).
Invasive Alien Species (IAS) have negative ecologi-
cal and socio-economic impacts and represent a major
threat to marine biodiversity by displacing native species,
changing community structure and food webs (Streftaris
& Zenetos 2006). While in the Tunis southern lagoon, the
negative impact of the introduced species is not highlight-
ed, alien and native species survive and coexist together
(Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2017).
Paracerceis sculpta, subject of the present study, native
to the Northeast Pacific from southern California to Mex-
ico (Menzies 1962, Miller 1968), has been recognized
as alien species in several marine environments (Brusca
1980). Several authors pointed that isopods possess typi-
cal traits of non-indigenous species (NIS), such as high
dispersal ability, tolerance of wide range of environmen-
tal conditions, phenotype plasticity… employing ships
as vectors and colonizing ports and nearby marine envi-
ronments worldwide (Carlton & Iverson 1981, Hewitt &
Campbell 2001). Paracerceis sculpta essentially associ-
ated with algae and calcareous sponges are considered as
NIS in the Atlantic coast of Europe, also in Southwestern
Atlantic (Rodriguez et al. 1992), the Mediterranean Sea
(Tunisia: Rezig 1978; Italy: Forniz & Maggiore 1985),
Hong Kong (Bruce 1990), and Australia (Harrison &
Laboratoire de Biodiversité, Biotechnologie et Changements Climatiques, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis,
Université Tunis El Manar, Tunis Tunisie
Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer, port de pêche, 2025 La Goulette, Tunisia
Département des Ressources Animales, Halieutiques et des Technologies agroalimentaires, Institut National Agronomique de
Tunisie, Université de Tunis Carthage, Tunis Tunisie
* Corresponding author:
ABSTRACT. – A total of 2103 specimens of an alien species Paracerceis sculpta (Holmes,
1904) was collected between November 2016 and July 2017 in Tunis Southern Lagoon, brack-
ish area located in northern eastern Tunisia. The species is a native from southern California and
invaded the Mediterranean Sea during the late seventies. P. sculpta was found below stones cov-
ered by biofouling and empty tests of barnacles. From the three distinct sexually mature male
morphs of P. sculpta, only the larger (alpha) was found, confirming the absence of the two
smaller male morphs (beta and gamma) in an introduced population. Females reached size at
first sexual maturity from 4 mm in length, the fecundity ranged from 5 to 14 eggs. The high den-
sities and occurrence of all stages of development of the intertidal isopod Paracerceis sculpta in
the Tunis southern lagoon, suggests that the species is established in its new environment.
Vie Milieu, 2021, 71
Holdich 1982, Hass & Knott 2000). Paracerceis sculpta
formed the subject of several studies concerning physiol-
ogy of moult and growth (Shuster 1989; Shuster & Guth-
rie 1999), population biology (Munguia & Shuster 2013,
Rumbold et al. 2018) and reproductive behavior (Shuster
1989, Shuster & Wade 1991, Shuster 1992).
The intertidal isopod P. sculpta is a model organism
for understanding alternative mating strategies relat-
ed to its three different male morphs: alpha, beta and
gamma males (Shuster 1987, Shuster 1990, Shuster &
Wade 1991). Alpha males are the largest specimens with
enlarged pleotelsons and elongated uropods, which guard
cavities of their common habitat, the calcareous sponge
Leucandra losangelensis (Laubenfels, 1930). Within
these cavities, alpha males maintain a harem composed
of one or more females. Beta males are morphological-
ly similar to females and live as females, do to infiltrate
harems and mate (Shuster 1987). Finally, gamma males
are very small relative to the other two morphs and are
able to sneak undetected into harems (Shuster 1987).
Paracerceis sculpta is well known as a component of
the biodiversity studies of Tunis Southern Lagoon (Ounifi
Ben Amor et al. 2017). However, some aspects of their
population dynamics, reproductive traits and the distribu-
tion / absence of the two male morphs are to date poorly
known. The aim of the present study is to analyze its life
history strategies, population biology and reproductive
traits in order to state if a viable population is at present
successfully established in Tunis southern Lagoon.
Study area: Tunis Southern Lagoon adjoins the city of Tunis
and is located in the southwestern region of the Gulf of Tunis
(36°47’N and 10°17’E). It constitutes the southern part of Tunis
Lagoon divided in two areas by a man made navigation chan-
nel (NC) (Fig. 1). Tunis Southern Lagoon extends over an area
of 7.2 km² with a regular depth of about 2.1 m, the maximum
depth being 4 m. It appears as an ellipse stretching in a SW-NE
direction, between 36°46’47” and 36°48’00”N and 10°12’22”
and 10°16’41”E. Its shores have been excavated and artificial-
ly protected by large rocky stones. Tunis southern lagoon is a
coastal lagoon, which maintains a connection to the sea through
the navigation Channel.
The lagoon is characterized by a semiarid Mediterranean
climate. The annual temperature ranges between 7 and 30° C,
the mean annual rainfall is 528 mm with interannual variations.
The luminosity is about 6 h per day, with 155 h in December
and 359 h in July, evaporation ranges between 62 and 201 mm,
respectively, in January and July (Abidi et al. 2018).
Sampling & laboratory procedures: Paracerceis sculpta
were manually collected from November 2016 to July 2017 in
the intertidal zone of the lagoon, not exceeding 0.5 m depth,
among rocky shores covered by algae. The empty barnacle tests
were removed gently at the base of the barnacle using a mallet.
Each test and its occupants were carefully placed inside a poly-
ethylene zip-lock bag. Small stones covered by algae containing
isopods were also transported to the laboratory for identification
and counting. The densities were assessed using a one 0.1 m
quadrate sampler with 10 replicates per month totalizing an area
of 1 m². Simultaneously with the biological sampling, the water
temperature were measured using a thermometer with accuracy
of 1/10° C and a multi-type Lab (WTW) for other parameters
such as pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen.
In the laboratory, specimens were removed from algae by
washing and sieving through a 0.47 mm sieve, all occupants of
each barnacle test were removed. Samples were preserved in a
70 % ethanol solution and subsequently identified using taxo-
nomic description (Loyola e Silva et al. 1999). The total length
of specimens was measured from the frontal edge of the cepha-
lon to the posterior end of the pleotelson under a stereoscopic
microscope with a micrometric ocular (± 0.01 mm accuracy).
Animals were classified into sex and age groups: juveniles (indi-
viduals lacking any observable trait of sexual differentiation),
alpha males (possessing rugose pleotelsons and elongated uro-
pods), ovigerous females (i.e., with eggs in the marsupium) and
non-ovigerous females (i.e., without marsupium). The eggs in
the marsupia of ovigerous females were removed and counted.
Data analysis: Densities and size-frequency distributions
were plotted. Sex ratio (Sr) was calculated each month, the het-
erogeneity hypothesis and the 1: 1 sex ratio hypothesis are tested
by the Chi-square χ² test (Scherrer 1984). The monthly average
data were submitted to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and,
if necessary, to posthoc Tukey test, with a significance level at
P < 0.05 (Zar 2010).
Fig. 1. A: Map of Tunisia pointing out the site of Tunis South-
ern Lagoon (TSL) located in the north. B: Tunis Northern
Lagoon (TNL) separated from Tunis Southern Lagoon by a nav-
igation channel (NC).
Vie Milieu, 2021, 71
Linear regression and the Pearson’s correlation coefficient
(Zar 1999) were calculated to assess the relationship between
female size and the number of eggs in the marsupium and
between the number of ovigerous females and the lagoon water
temperature. Monthly reproductive activity was determined
as the proportion (%) of ovigerous females (Guarino et al.
1993). Size at first sexual maturity was considered as the size
of the smallest ovigerous female (Garcia-Guererro & Hendrickx
Environmental parameters
The water temperature range between 12° C in Janu-
ary 2017 and 27.1° C in July 2017 with an average of
18.77° C. During the study period, the salinity oscillated
between 36.1 and 38 with an average value of 37.05. The
average pH range between 7.70 in December 2016 and
8.29 in June 2017 with a mean value of 8.02.
Some ecological aspects
Paracerceis sculpta is an intertidal lucifugous spe-
cies, often found inside empty tests of barnacles of the
two species Amphibalanus eburneus (Gould, 1841) and
A. amphitrite (Darwin, 1854) and below stones covered
by biofouling. The species is rather found below rough
stones with crevasses colonized by algae and rare or
absent in the smooth stones without fouling. Males and
ovigerous females are more abundant in the empty tests
of barnacles, while non-ovigerous females and juveniles
were mainly observed among algae (Table I). The species
was observed associated, both in algae and in empty bar-
nacle tests, with other crustaceans species essentially its
congener Sphaeroma venustissimum and the native iso-
pods Dynamene edwardsi (Lucas, 1849) and Cymodoce
truncata Leach, 1814.
Description and population biology
From November 2016 to July 2017, a total of 2103
of Paracerceis sculpta were sampled and sorted into
three different classes; alpha males (824), females
(1136) and juveniles (134). The mean size of males
was 6.80 ± 1.21 mm, females (5.3 ± 1.3 mm). Juveniles
showed a mean size of 2.8 ± 0.5 mm. Alpha-males were
larger than females, and exhibited robust ornamented tel-
sons and elongated uropods (Fig. 2).
Alpha male, 7 mm (Fig. 2A): body relatively slender,
about 2.1 times as long as wide. Anterior margin of head
with median projection. Dorsal surfaces of head and pere-
on almost smooth, each bearing 3 or 5 bundles of setae
posteriorly. Pleon and anterior part of pleotelson granu-
lose. Posterior margin of pleon and middle part of pleotel-
son each with 3 setose tubercles. Apex of pleotelson cleft,
with 3 pairs of notches, anterior and middle notches deep
and posterior shallow. Uropod with endopod reduced;
exopod greatly elongate, gradually curved, bearing many
bundles of setae, apex acute.
Adult female (non-ovigerous), 5.5 mm (Fig. 2B): body
ovate, about 1.5 times as long as wide. Anterior margin
of head rounded. Dorsal surfaces of head and pereon
smooth, each bearing a few posterior setae. Pleon also
smooth, posterior margin with three bundles of setae.
Middle part of pleotelson with 3 setose tubercles. Apex
of pleotelson shallowly concave. Endopod and exopod of
uropod flattened with marginal setae; exopod lanceolate,
apex pointed. Males are light brown and pink. Females
are dark red with a dorsal dark or light brown band. Juve-
niles do not show the reproductive structures that adult
isopods have, e.g. enlarged penes or oöstegites, and there-
fore cannot be sexed. Our data showed the coexistence of
all cohorts throughout the study period, however during
the warm period (April to June) different cohorts coexist
in almost similar proportions (Fig. 3).
The highest densities were observed for the largest
cohorts (from 5 to 7 mm) during the sampling period; 5.1
to 6 mm for females and 6.1 to 7 mm for males (Fig. 3).
No significant difference was found between the mean
sizes of males and females (P = 0.2422). Juveniles rep-
resent 7 % of the entire population sampled. The densi-
ties of juveniles decreased from March to July 2017 when
the adults appeared in large numbers. Females outnum-
bered males with significant differences from November
to February, while males predominated over females from
March to May (Table II).
Table I. Different associations and total number of Paracer-
ceis sculpta individuals recorded in Tunis Southern Lagoon. ov:
ovigerous females.
Association Males Females Juveniles
Empty tests of barnacles 530 275 (ov: 95) 51
Algae 294 861 (ov: 50) 92
Fig. 2. Paracerceis sculpta. A: Adult male in dorsal view; B:
Adult female in dorsal view. Scale bar: 3 mm.
Vie Milieu, 2021, 71
Size at first sexual maturity occurred in females
at 4 mm in length. The fecundity ranged from 5
to 14 eggs. Larger females carried more eggs than
smaller ones; the number of eggs was positively
correlated with female body length (r = 0.972)
(Fig. 4). An important correlation between the
number of ovigerous females and the water tem-
perature was highlighted in the Tunis south-
ern lagoon (the Pearson correlation coefficient
r = 0.8652, P = 0.002592) (Table III).
Ovigerous females were collected from March
to July and reproductive activity showed with
a peak in May (44 %) and a minimum in July
(8.80 %) (Fig. 5).
Fig. 3. - Paracerceis sculpta. Monthly size class distribution (November 2016-July 2017).
Table II. Monthly sex ratios of Paracerceis sculpta in Tunis Southern
Month/year Females Males % F % M Sr χ²
Nov 2016 180 75 70.58 29.41 0.41 *43.23
Dec 2016 171 65 72.46 27.54 0.38 *47.61
Jan 2017 58 16 78.38 21.62 0.27 *23.84
Feb 2017 107 57 65.24 34.75 0.53 *15.24
Mar 2017 130 175 42.62 57.38 1.34 *6.64
Apr 2017 100 127 44.05 55.95 1.27 3.21
May 2017 110 120 47.83 52.17 1.09 0.43
June 2017 135 114 54.21 45.78 0.84 1.8
July 2017 145 75 65.90 34.09 0.52 *22.27
Fig. 4. Paracerceis sculpta. Relationship between the number
of eggs and the total body length of ovigerous females.
Fig. 5. Monthly distribution of ovigerous, non-ovigerous
females and reproductive activity of Paracerceis sculpta col-
lected from Tunis Southern Lagoon (November 2016- July
Vie Milieu, 2021, 71
Prior to the lagoon’s ecological rehabilitation, the abi-
otic parameters fluctuated considerably altering the water
quality of the lagoon; the average monthly salinity ranged
between 31 and 48.9 (Abidi et al. 2018). Measurements
of abiotic variables after the restoration work showed that
the water quality of Tunis Southern Lagoon was consider-
ably improved (Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2019b). Improve-
ment of the physico-chemical parameters of the lagoon
waters have favored the establishment of new species in
the region. The two alien isopods Sphaeroma walkeri and
S. venustissimum are the best instances (Ounifi Ben Amor
et al. 2018). The sampling of the alien isopod P. sculpta
in the Tunis southern lagoon reveals its high tolerance for
fluctuating salinities, such as the ones encountered in bal-
last tanks during transoceanic voyages, typically ranging
between 4 and 30 ‰ (Ellis & MacIsaac 2009). The influ-
ence of several factors as salinity, temperature, turbidity,
chlorophyll-a, phosphate and nitrate concentrations on
crustacean distribution in Tunis southern lagoon, includ-
ing P. sculpta, have been previously determined (Ounifi
Ben Amor et al. 2017). These results showed that temper-
ature plays an important role in the population changes of
other well established alien species in the area by increas-
ing the growth rate (Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2018). Fur-
thermore, in winter, decline in salinity and temperature
may explain the mortality and dispersion of Paracerceis
populations, a phenomenon already observed in the ther-
mophilic isopod species (Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2015,
2018) and in amphipods such as Monocorophium acheru-
sicum (Costa, 1853) and Ericthonius punctatus (Spence
Bate, 1857) (Rumbold et al. 2016).
In Tunis southern lagoon, P. sculpta is always sampled
essentially among algae, which constitute their essential
food, and in the empty tests of barnacles unlike its com-
mon habitat, calcareous sponge, Leucandra losangelensis
(Shuster, 1987). Habitat change in this species proves its
tolerance to a wide range of environmental conditions
such as inhabiting hard substrates and even soft-sedi-
ment areas (Espinosa-Perez & Hendrickx 2001, Hewitt
& Campbell 2001). Paracerceis sculpta share the same
habitat as the established alien isopod Sphaeroma venus-
tissimum in the lagoon unlike S. walkeri which inhabits
different bottoms and is found among fouling communi-
ties (Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2018). Sphaeroma walkeri
colonizes empty barnacle shells of balanoids, such as
Balanus amphitrite amphitrite Darwin, 1854, oscula of
sponges, especially Chondrosia reniformis (Nardo, 1847),
and ascidians Phallusia mammillata (Cuvier, 1815), Ect-
einascidia turbinata (Herdman, 1880), Ascidiella aspersa
(Müller, 1776) and Ciona intestinalis (Linnaeus, 1767)
(Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2015).
The sampled population is composed of males,
females and juveniles. Only alpha males, possessing the
conspicuously elongated uropods, were found, in accor-
dance with observation of invasive populations from
Europe, Australia, Asia, North, and South America (Bra-
zil and Argentina) (Loyola e Silva et al. 1999, Hewitt &
Campbell 2001, Munguia & Shuster 2013, Marchini et al.
2017). Beta-males are smaller and do not exceed 4.3 mm
and the gamma-males are tiny, not exceeding 3 mm; all
three male morphs are sexually mature (Shuster 1992).
The long lifespan of alpha males allows them to survive
long voyages and ballast water since ships take at least
six weeks and could even take up to two or three months
to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the American continent.
This could explain their invasion compared to beta and
gamma males that have a shorter lifespan (Munguia &
Shuster 2013, Marchini et al. 2017). Transporting indi-
viduals across large bodies of water could create genetic
bottlenecks, which can result in large populations (Shus-
ter 1989). However, perhaps only alpha males were able
to colonize some new sites (Hewitt & Campbell, 2001).
The variation in the sex ratio of P. sculpta remains with-
out detailed explanation since those studies have showed
that the sex ratio varies considerably through time, both
within and between populations (Shuster & Wade 1991).
The early maturation at small size of females (4 mm)
of the Tunisian population requires detailed genetic study
to explain it. Geburzi & McCarthy (2018) attributed this
change, among other mechanisms, to a phenotypic plasit-
icity, a key feature of successful invaders.
Paracerceis sculpta present a discontinuous spawn-
ing period throughout the year, however, no reproductive
activity was observed during cold months. This suggests
that temperature may play an important role in the gonad
maturity. This discontinuity in reproductive activity is
also explained by the lack of alternative mating morphs,
which could have rapid and profound changes in mating
strategies and life history traits (Shuster 1989). However,
the alien isopod sphaeroma venustissimum has continu-
ous spawning period (Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2018).
Larger females carried more eggs than smaller ones;
the number of eggs was positively correlated with female
body length. The same trend was observed in S. walkeri
and in S. venustissimum (Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2015,
Table III. – Number of ovigerous females and water tempera-
tures in the Tunis southern lagoon.
Month/year Ovigerous females Water temperature (°C)
Nov-16 0 18.18
Dec-16 0 14.56
Jan-17 0 11.88
Feb-17 6 13.46
Mar-17 17 16.01
Apr-17 19 18.66
May-17 30 22.7
Jun-17 45 26.45
Jul-17 28 27.1
Vie Milieu, 2021, 71
2018). The fact that fecundity is positively related to
female body length is a feature common to many marine
isopods (Guarino et al. 1993, Garcia-Guererro & Hen-
drickx 2005).
The similarities observed also in the dynamics popula-
tion of P. sculpta in the Tunis southern lagoon with those
of Mexico (Munguia & Shuster 2013) and the South-
west Atlantic (Rumbold et al. 2018), where the species is
declared definitively established, could explain the inva-
sive capacity of this species linked, for example, to their
phenotypic plasticity. Broad environmental tolerance
is also likely to be a favorable trait for successful estab-
lishment, introduced species must be able to cope with
a range of contrasting environmental conditions, which
are often different from those encountered in native areas
(Geburzi & McCarthy 2018).
Among several alien crustaceans introduced into the
lagoon, only a few species have successfully established.
Several ecological and life-history traits are associated
with their success, many of these traits are associated with
reproduction, an essential factor determining whether a
species successfully establishes and spreads (Geburzi &
McCarthy 2018). Therefore, a study of population dynam-
ics and reproductive traits of P. sculpta was required.
High densities and occurrence of all developmen-
tal stages of the intertidal isopod Paracerceis sculpta in
Tunis Southern Lagoon suggest that the species is estab-
lished in its new environment. Similar patterns were
reported in the same area for the lessepsian isopods Spha-
eroma walkeri and S. venustissimum (Ounifi Ben Amor et
al. 2015, 2018). Such settlement could be considered as a
main consequence, which displays the successful ecolog-
ical rehabilitation of the area by introduction of the spe-
cies previously unknown in the region (Ben Souissi et al.
2005). Lagoon ecosystems also provide favorable trophic
conditions for alien growth and reproduction and a rela-
tively low biotic resistance due to impoverished native
communities (Azzurro et al. 2014). Ounifi Ben Amor
et al. (2016, 2019b) noted that most of the first records
of alien species in Tunisia stem from ports and lagoons
appeared as favorable transit sites. Tunis Southern
Lagoon could be considered at present as a prosperous
recipient ecosystem for the settlement of a viable popu-
lation and a potential spread zone of invasive species of
P. sculpta.
The location of the Tunis southern lagoon near the
ports has always played an important role in the bioinva-
sion phenomenon (Ounifi Ben Amor et al. 2019b).
The present study represents an additional contribu-
tion, highlighting how the life history traits can be the
key in determining the success or failure of the settle-
ment process of an introduced species. Studies of genetic
diversity and evolutionary changes should be useful for
understanding the lack of the two morphs in introduced
invasive populations, the potential for colonization and
establishment, geographic patterns of invasion and range
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Received on November 11, 2020
Accepted on June 3, 2022
Associate editor: J Orignac